Source code for watson.form.types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
from watson.form.fields import FieldMixin, File, Hidden
from watson.html.elements import TagMixin, flatten_attributes
from watson.common.contextmanagers import suppress
from watson.common.datastructures import MultiDict
from watson.common.decorators import cached_property
from watson.common.imports import get_qualified_name

[docs]class Form(TagMixin): """<form> management. The implementation of the form gives the ability to define the fields within the form in a declarative manor. Example: .. code-block:: python from watson.form import fields class MyForm(Form): text = fields.Text(name='text', label='My TextField') form = MyForm('my_form') form.text.value = 'Something' # in view {% %} # <form name="my_form"> {% form.text %} # <input name="text" type="text" value="Something" /> {% form.text.render_with_label() %} # <label for="text">My TextField</label><input id="text" name="text" type="text" value="Something" /> {% form.close() %} # </form> Attributes: attributes (dict): A list of all attributes on the <form>. """ attributes = None validators = None _form_errors = None _valid = False _validated = False _ignored_attributes = ('fields', '_fields', 'data', 'raw_data', 'errors') _ignored_bound_fields = None _bound_object = None _bound_object_mapping = None
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, method='post', action=None, detect_multipart=True, validators=None, **kwargs): """Inititalize the form and set some default attributes. Args: name (string): the name of the form method (string): the http method to use action (string): the url to submit the form to detect_multipart (boolean): automatically set multipart/form-data """ self._ignored_bound_fields = [] self.validators = validators or [] method = method.lower() if '_class' in kwargs: kwargs['class'] = kwargs.get('_class') del kwargs['_class'] self.attributes = collections.ChainMap({ 'name': name or self.__class__.__name__, 'method': method, 'action': action or '/', 'enctype': kwargs.get('enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') }, kwargs) if self.method not in ('get', 'post'): self.attributes['method'] = 'post' setattr( self, 'http_request_method', Hidden(name='HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD', value=method.upper())) for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): if detect_multipart and isinstance(field, File): self.attributes['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data' # create a copy of the field so that we're not referencing # the class attr of the same name. new_field = deepcopy(field) if not = field_name setattr(self, field_name, new_field) del self._fields
@property def validated(self): return self._validated @property def bound_object(self): return self._bound_object @cached_property def fields(self): """Retrieve a list of all fields associated with the form. Fields are sorted based on the order that they are defined in so that error messages can be displayed in the correct order. The list of fields is cached so that it is only required to be read once. If the cache needs to be cleared, the _fields attribute can be deleted. Returns: OrderedDict of fields. """ fields = [] for field_name in dir(self): if field_name not in self._ignored_attributes and not field_name.startswith('_'): # ignore properties for recursion field = getattr(self, field_name) if isinstance(field, FieldMixin): fields.append((field_name, field)) fields.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1].count) return collections.OrderedDict(fields) @cached_property def errors(self): """Returns a list of errors associated with the form. If the form has not been validated yet, calling this property will cause validation to occur. """ self.is_valid() errors = {} for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): error_list = field.errors if error_list: errors[field_name] = {'messages': field.errors, 'label': field.label.text} if self._form_errors: errors['form'] = {'messages': self._form_errors, 'label': 'Form'} return errors @property def data(self): """Returns a dict containing all the field values. Used as a shorthand method to retrieve data from all the form fields rather than having to access the fields themselves. """ return {field_name: field.value for field_name, field in self.fields.items()} @data.setter
[docs] def data(self, data): """Sets the data for the form. Iterates through all the fields on the form and injects the value. Args: data (dict|watson.http.messages.Request): A dict of key/value pairs to populate the form with. """ self.invalidate() if hasattr(data, 'post'): raw_data = MultiDict() for key, value in raw_data[key] = value for key, value in data.files.items(): raw_data[key] = value else: raw_data = data self._set_data_on_fields(raw_data)
def _set_data_on_fields(self, data): # internal method for setting the data on the fields for key, value in data.items(): if key in self.fields and key not in self._ignored_bound_fields: self.fields[key].value = value @cached_property def raw_data(self): """Returns a dict containing all the original field values. Field values will be their pre-filtered values. """ return {field_name: field.original_value for field_name, field in self.fields.items()}
[docs] def bind(self, obj=None, mapping=None, ignored_fields=None, hydrate=True): """Binds an object to the form. Optionally additional mapping can be specified in order to set values on any of the classes that may exist within the object. If this method is called after the data has been set on the form, then the existing data will be overridden with the attributes on the object unless hydrate is set to false. Args: obj (class|dict): the class to bind to the form. mapping (dict): the mapping between the form fields and obj attributes. ignored_fields (list|tuple): fields to ignore when binding. bool hydrate: whether or not to hydrate the form with the obj attributes. Example: .. code-block:: python form = ... user = User(username='test') form.bind(user) form.username.value # 'test' """ self._ignored_bound_fields = ignored_fields or [] if obj: self._bound_object = obj if mapping: self._bound_object_mapping = mapping self.invalidate() if obj and hydrate: self.__hydrate_obj_to_form() # validation methods
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Invalidate the data that has been bound on the form. This is called automatically when data is bound to the form and sets the forms validity to invalid. """ attrs = ('_data', '_raw_data', '_errors', '_form_errors') for attr in attrs: with suppress(AttributeError): delattr(self, attr) self._validated = self._valid = False
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Determine whether or not the form and relating values are valid. Filter all the values on the fields associated with the form, and then validate each field. Will only execute the filter/validation steps if the form has not been previously validated, or has been invalidated. Returns: boolean value depending on the validity of the form. """ if not self._validated: self._form_errors = [] self._valid = True for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): field.filter() valid = field.validate() if len(valid) > 0: self._valid = False if self._valid: for validator in self.validators: try: validator(self) except ValueError as exc: self._valid = False self._form_errors.append(str(exc)) self._validated = True if self._valid and self._bound_object: self.__hydrate_form_to_obj() return self._valid # rendering methods
[docs] def open(self, **kwargs): """Render the start tag of the form. Any addition kwargs will be used within the attributes. """ attrs = self.attributes.copy() if kwargs: attrs.update(kwargs) return '<form {0}>'.format(flatten_attributes(attrs))
[docs] def close(self, include_http_request=True): """Render the end tag of the form. If the form has the http_request_method input then include it in the tag by default. Args: include_http_request (boolean): Whether or not to include the HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD field """ tag = '{0}</form>' field = '' if include_http_request and hasattr(self, 'http_request_method'): field = str(self.http_request_method) return tag.format(field)
[docs] def render(self, with_tag='div', with_label=True): """Output the entire form as a string. Called automatically by the __str__ method. Args: with_tag (string): the tag to be used to separate the elements. with_label (boolean): render each field with it's label. Returns: A string representation of the form. """ html = '{open}{fields}{close}' fields = ['<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(with_tag, field.render_with_label() if with_label else str(field)) for field_name, field in self.fields.items()] return ( html.format(, close=self.close(False), fields=''.join(fields)) ) # convenience methods
@property def name(self): return self.attributes['name'] @property def method(self): return self.attributes['method'] @property def action(self): return self.attributes['action'] @property def enctype(self): return self.attributes['enctype'] # hydration methods def __hydrate_obj_to_form(self): # should never be called externally. Triggered by bind. obj_mapping = self._bound_object_mapping or {} for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): attr = field_name current_obj = self._bound_object if field_name in obj_mapping: for name in obj_mapping[field_name][0:-1]: try: current_obj = getattr(current_obj, name) except: raise AttributeError( 'Mapping for object does not match object structure.') if hasattr(current_obj, attr): self.fields[field_name].value = getattr(current_obj, attr) def __hydrate_form_to_obj(self): # should never be called externally. Triggered by is_valid. obj_mapping = self._bound_object_mapping or {} for field_name in current_obj = self._bound_object value = self.fields[field_name].value attr = field_name if field_name in obj_mapping: attr = obj_mapping[field_name][-1] for name in obj_mapping[field_name][0:-1]: try: current_obj = getattr(current_obj, name) except: raise AttributeError( 'Mapping for object does not match object structure.') if hasattr(current_obj, attr) and attr not in self._ignored_bound_fields: try: setattr(current_obj, attr, value or None) except: # pragma: no cover # something nasty happened here, the user should manage it pass def __len__(self): """Return the number of fields associated with the form. """ return len(self.fields) def __repr__(self): return '<{0} name:{1} method:{2} action:{3} fields:{4}>'.format( get_qualified_name(self),, self.method, self.action, len(self))
[docs]class Multipart(Form): """Convenience class for forms that should be multipart/form-data. By default, the Form class will automatically detect whether or not a field is of type file, and convert it to multipart. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, method='post', action=None, **kwargs): kwargs['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data' super(Multipart, self).__init__(name, method, action, **kwargs)